Sherri Cook & Associates knows how vital Post Event Management is with the evaluation and analysis of your conference is for measuring its ROI, which is what makes them one of the top event planning companies in Texas. But measuring your meeting’s value is not as simple as just identifying financial return. Other measures not converted to money are equally important, if not critical.
Our event manager helps you with documented expenditures and cost-savings that will enable you to present concrete evidence of your meeting’s true worth and impact. And armed with that, venues can make a more educated decision to book your meeting at the best rates, and with maximum negotiated concessions. This allows more negotiating leverage in the future.
Events Management Post Program Reports include:
- Final Rooming List with total guest room pick up and pattern, along with revenue generated;
- Total Registrants / Attendance figures along with Food and Beverage dollars spent;
- Other Expenditures for Suppliers (such as audiovisual, floral, decorations, photographer, videographer, transportation, electrical, internet), and more.
- Over and above Documenting the Value of your Meeting, the post conference report includes a basic Meeting Planning Overview along with Suggestions and Recommendations to make next year’s event even more successful.